7 Tips To Beat Your Traffic Ticket!

7 Tips To Beat Your Traffic Ticket!

More and more traffic tickets are handed out nowadays and it seems that most of them are just written for revenue. Estimates are that over 115,000 speeding tickets are written every day, and there’s nothing wrong of course with the original idea behind this tickets: to make the road safer for us all, but a lot of of the traffic tickets could be considered ‘unfair’. Most people will have different opinions about what’s being unfair, but we should all agree that a lot of the small tickets are a pain in the ass. The average ticket is about $150, which is still quite a lot of money of course, but the long time effects are far worse:

Insurance rate increases, sometimes even cancellations, loss of license points, loss of your license, problems getting to your work, and you might even end up with problems supporting yourself, and more important, your family. Most people don’t realize this, until it’s too late… 96% of the people who get fined just think “damn a speeding ticket, but what the hell..”, .and just end up paying the ticket, admitting guilt, as it’s just easier or they do not know of any methods to fight and beat a traffic ticket. Time to change that! Let me introduce you to some general methods and tricks to fight and beat your traffic tickets:

1. Do not immediately think and assume you’re guilty!

As I already stated above: the impact and consequences of a small ticket can be far worse than you would expect. By just paying the ticket you automatically plead you’re guilty,.. while it’s often possible to get away with just a warning or a lower fine.

2. Be polite to the officer.

Yes that might be a bit hard sometimes, but just being polite might be enough to turn a ticket into a warning. So when an officer tries to stop you: pull over, turn of your engine, put your keys on the dashboard, stay in the vehicle and keep your hands on the steering wheel where the officer can see them. Most of the time this will make the officer feel a bit safer and more comfortable.

3. -Ask- for a warning.

You should ask for a warning if the officer hasn’t written out any ticket yet. A great percentage of all traffic stops end up with just a warning, yet most officers won’t explicitly ask if you want one. So take the initiative and politely ask if you could get just a warning. Don’t come up with excuses, don’t beg, and explain the officer something like you’re always trying to drive as safe as possible and you’re sure a warning would be enough as a reminder.

4. Don’t answer all questions.

You’re trying to avoid pleading guilty and the officer might ask questions like: “Do you know how fast you were going?”, “Do you know why I stopped you?”. The officer is doing his work and collecting evidence against you, so you should try to avoid citations. Instead of honestly answering “I was driving a bit too fast”, just answer something like “I don’t know, why did you stop me?”. You could also use the basic speed law here (only applies to a few states) and state that you were driving at a safe and reasonable speed for the current conditions.traffic tickets lawyer

5. Question the evidence.

If it seems there’s no other way out, you could try questioning the evidence. You need some basic knowledge of your local vehicle laws to question the evidence, but here are some tips to get you started: Ask for proof of the calibration of the speedometer when the officer paced you. Speed traps are forbidden in some states, you could trap the officer by asking how long they have the speed trap set up. And some laws applying to Pennsylvania you might be interested in:

* “A speed limit is not legally effective unless there’s a sign every half mile.” [3362 (b)(1)]

* “A 65 mph speed limit is not legally effective unless there’s a sign after each interchange on the highway.” [3362 (b)(2)]

* “You can’t be cited in Pennsylvania for traveling less than 10 miles over the speed limit if the limit is less than 55 mph.” [3368 (c)(4)]

* “If the limit is 55 or more, you can’t be cited for traveling less than 6 miles over the limit.” [3368 (c)(4)] (Source: berksweb)

The point here is if you can convince the officer that his evidence is illegal he will know the ticket won’t stand a chance in court and will probably let you go with a warning.

6. Go to court and get continuances.

You should try to delay the proceedings as much as possible as this increases the chance of the officer not showing up, which wil result in your ticket being dismissed. Getting continuances shouldn’t be too hard, and are often given for being busy with work, being sick, being out of town, etc.

7. Be prepared to fight your ticket in court.

You should always be prepared when going to court. Preparing this requires some basic knowledge about the local laws but it certainly doesn’t have to be very difficult, nor expensive. Effectively covering these techniques would cost me a few pages, but luckily there are already a few good ebooks around on this topic.

Most of the fined people just accept their ticket, and some of them end up in serious trouble just because of some low fines. So I hope you’ll be able to benefit from what you’ve read here someday. Feel free to spread the link to this article, and help the 96% of the people who don’t know how to fight their traffic tickets.

Drive safely & go beat that ticket!
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South Texas Benzene Exposure Attorney

South Texas Benzene Exposure Attorney

Benzene ExposureBenzene exposure has a severely negative effect on the health of millions of people across the globe every day. Benzene is a highly carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compound that has been scientifically proven to cause lymphoma, leukemia, blood cancer, bone marrow cancer and a host of other fatal and debilitating conditions. Despite the obvious incredible health risks associated with this compound, benzene also happens to be among the top ten most used industrial compounds today. For more information go here @ https://fordandlaurel.com/personal-injury-laredo

What Exactly is Benzene and What is Benzene Used For?

The actual compound commonly referred to as Benzene is a derivative of the process of natural products being burnt and then that byproduct is introduced into the manufacture of many common household and industrial/commercial products.

Ironically, in the early 20th Century Benzene was widely used as an after-shave lotion because of its pleasant smell and skin moisturizing abilities. It is found in Gasoline as well as many other sources of fuel. Benzene is commonly used in resins, wax, oils, fats, ink, paint, cleaning solvent, photographic development supplies and a host of other products that we take for granted as being completely safe and are exposed on a daily basis.

Is Benzene Exposure Bad For People’s Health?

Benzene is extremely carcinogenic and can cause a variety of very severe cancers. The majority involves cancers of the blood- most notably Leukemia and Lymphoma. Research has indicated that different people respond differently to different amounts of Benzene and durations of exposure. For example, some otherwise healthy people have quickly died from leukemia from a relatively short exposure to high doses of Benzene. In addition, short-duration exposures have shown to have an incredibly detrimental effect on actual blood production and bone marrow.wrongful death attorney

Benzene is marketed under a host of different names. Some of these names include Phene, Benzol, Polystream, Pyrobezol, Coal naphtha and Benzal 90, among many others.

How Are Most People Exposed to Benzene?

The most common, and the deadliest way that Benzene is absorbed into an individual’s body is simply by benzene exposure breathing it. Every inhales of oxygen that contains any benzene or mist with some Benzene is immediately turned into the bloodstream and is given free rein to spread cancer throughout the body.

However, breathing Benzene is not the only way to get it into your body. Due to its high degree of bioavailability, Benzene is also readily absorbed simply through any exposed skin, which then allows it to pour right into the bloodstream.

How Many People Are Exposed to Benzene and Become Sick?
Unbelievably, more than 32 MILLION people are exposed to chemical products that are loaded with Benzene, in more than 3 million different workplaces in America. The overwhelming majority of workers exposed to the extremely toxic chemical have no idea that they are breathing in pure carcinogens. OSHA estimates that Benzene is still manufactured in large does in approximately 650,000 different chemical products.

Even the general public is exposed to drinking water and airborne emissions from burning fuel (motor vehicle exhaust is loaded with Benzene). Therefore, everyone is exposed to this deadly chemical on a daily basis.

Benzene Exposure is Incredibly Dangerous to the Human Body
benzene exposure Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified Benzene as a Category A carcinogen since 1986. But despite this classification, products continue to be routinely manufactured with it as if it was a totally benign substance. It is now a medical and scientific conclusion that Benzene is a direct cause of the deadly blood and bone disease, Leukemia. In addition, The US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) classifies benzene as an extreme human carcinogen. Therefore, Benzene exposure’s negative effects on humans is undisputed.

In addition to Leukemia, Benzene exposure (both short and long term) can cause Multiple Myeloma, Myelodysplastic syndrome / Myelodysplasia (MDS), Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), non-Hodgkin’s and Hopkins Lymphoma among other blood and marrow disease.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) started as early as 1948, “It is generally considered the only absolutely safe concentration for benzene is zero.”

What Are Some Common Consumer Products that Cause Benzene Exposure?
The following is just a shortlist of some of the products that contain Benzene. Remember, OSHA estimates that Benzene is manufactured into at least 650,000 different products. Please visit this site: https://thesnowlawfirm.com/

WD 40
Liquid Wrench
Rust-Ban 392
Sunoco Household Oil
3-In-One Electric Motor Oil
3-In-One Household Oil
Gardner Blacktop Driveway Sealer
Gardner EZ STIR Filler Sealer
Parks Furniture Refinisher
Parks Adhesive Remover
Parks Mineral Spirits Paint Thinner
Parks Lacquer Thinner
Parks Brush Cleaner
Parks PRO liquid Paint Stripper
Parks liquid Strip
Parks Lacquer Thinner 6/13/97
Parks Adhesive Remover 9/4/98
Parks liquid Deglosser 9/4/98
Gumoutregane Premium Gas Treatment
Gumoutxtra 1 Tank Carb Cleaner
Gumouttune Up Spray
Gumoutcarb/Fuel Injector Cleaner (Aerosol)
Gumoutcarb/Fuel Injector Cleaner (liquid)
Gumoutdiesel Fuel System Cleaner
Gumoutcold Weather Diesel Treatment
Gumoutliquid Intake Cleaner
Classic Aerosol Wax
Champion Carb. Cleaner
Champion Flush Off Degreaser
Champion Brake Cleaner
Champion Cold Galvanize
Champion Galv Off
Champion CS+
Champion N/F 4 Way Penetrating Oil
Champion Stainless Steel Cleaner
Champion X It Out Vandal Mark Remover
Champion Super Lubricant
Champion Spray Paint
Champion Flying Insect Killer
Champion Fire Ant Killer
Champion Multi Insect/lice Killer
Champion Indoor Insect Fogger
Champion Ant & Roach
Champion Metered Insecticide
Bonide Grass, Weed & Vegetation Killer
Ortho Weed-B-Gone
Staffel’s Screw work Compound-U.S.
Formula M 62 Insecticide
Dr. Rogers Screw Worm Smear Formula No. 62
Martin’s Formula No. 62 Screw Work Smear for Horses and Mules
Thoroseal Redi Mix Paint
VM & P Naptha

As we can see, Benzene is present in a huge amount of consumer products and is responsible for a tremendous amount of severe health problems and fatalities as a result of their use.

It is important to act immediately if you or a love one feels that they have been exposed to Benzene and has been diagnosed by a Health Care Professional to have any type of blood or bone marrow cancers including Leukemia or any of the above-referenced afflictions. Contact a South Texas Toxic Chemical Attorney who has experience handling Benzene exposure cases and has obtained millions of dollars for his clients as a result.wrongful deat law

We can link to OSHA Official Report on Benzene at:

Official link to OSHA Benzene Report http://www.benzene-lawsuit.com/pdfs/ohsa.pdf

South Texas Benzene Exposure Attorney

It is important to contact a South Texas Personal Injury Attorney that is experienced in successfully handling Benzene cases. our Law Office has an extensive track-record of success with Benzene matters. Contact our firm for a free legal consultation if you feel that you have been exposed to Benzene and have suffered adverse health effects as a result. Please call us use our online contacts page. You pay us nothing until we win your Benzene exposure case for you.

Automobile accidents happen – Personal Injury Attorneys

Automobile accidents happen – Personal Injury Attorneys

Automobile accidents happen often and are all too common. The consequences may be life changing. If you drive a car it is important to know what to do if you are involved in an accident. Some steps to take include: personal injury attorneyss

● Remain calm

● Turn on your emergency flashers

● Check to see if anyone in your car including yourself is hurt. If so, seek medical attention promptly and call 911 if necessary.

● Call the police and file a police report with the officer once he arrives at the scene of the accident. The police officer will also help in assisting you exchange information between you and the other driver, as well as directing traffic around the accident.

● Take pictures of the scene of the accident as well as the vehicles involved in the accident.

● Exchange names, addresses, telephone numbers and insurance information with other drivers.

● Obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers of any witnesses.

● Call your insurance company to report the accident. If you plan on filing a claim, get the claims process started as soon as possible. Your insurance company will investigate the loss, take statements and inspect the damage to all parties vehicles in order to determine the merits of your claim.

● If you are injured or the damages are extensive contact the experienced car accident attorneys at our Law Firm for a free legal consultation. Our attorneys will help you with your legal rights and obligations and will help you get compensation for your property damage and personal injuries.

● Do not speak to the insurance company for the other driver. Tell the insurance company claims representative or adjuster to call your lawyer.

If you have any pain symptoms or injuries be sure and seek medical attention immediately and keep track of all of your doctor visits and health bills. Make sure that you don’t minimize your injuries when you explain them to your doctor. It is important to make sure that your doctor documents everything and writes everything down correctly in your chart. Often times records are inaccurate or charts can be lost. Talking with an attorney soon after the car accident can also be critical to getting the help you need. As time passes, witnesses forget what they saw and critical evidence can be lost. Contact our experienced car accident attorney today. Our attorneys investigate all of the legal issues involved to hold the right people accountable for the harm they caused. We will interview witnesses, investigate all evidence, and prepare your case for a jury.expert legal advise - personal injury lawyers

Minnesota is a no-fault state, which means that your insurance company pays for medical expenses, wage loss, and related expenses as they are incurred. Your insurance contract requires your company to pay for all reasonable and necessary medical bills that are related to the accident. Despite this contract and the state law requiring your insurance company to pay these bills, the insurance companies often deny payment. This is where it is best to seek the advice and experience of a car accident attorney at our Law Firm. Our attorneys want to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your losses. If the car accident you were involved in was primarily or completely the fault of someone else, you can seek damages for pain and suffering. Contact our office today for a consultation with our personal injury attorneys.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, your well being comes first. Your rights are next. The car accident attorneys at our Law Firm bring many years of experience representing victims of auto accidents. We want to make sure that you are fairly compensated for your losses. It is important to act quickly after you’ve been injured in a car accident. Call us today for a free consultation with one of our experienced auto accident lawyers. We have successfully litigated cases on behalf of injured motorists in San Antonio and throughout Texas

Finding the right Personal Injury Lawyers

Finding the right Personal Injury Lawyers

You should not take pursuing a personal injury case lightly. If you’ve sustained injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, take them to court. Even if you lose, you’ve tried to help. This article gives you pointers on how to approach a personal injury lawsuit. Find more here:

Detail the injuries you suffered clearly. Carefully explain all your injuries, regardless of whether it’s a broken leg or just a small cut. Remember to take note of any bruises, bumps and other symptoms that may appear as time passes. Remember also to include mental problems that may emerge down the road, such as a fear of driving.

When looking for an attorney, read online reviews. Do not simply call the voice speaking the loudest on TV. Doing your research as to who you would like to represent you will yield you the best possible results.

Those “as seen on TV” lawyers might intrigue you, but you should avoid hiring this type of lawyer. This can be a very big mistake for you. If you are interested in hiring one of these attorneys, make sure to fully research them before scheduling an appointment. This translates into wasted money or a very inexperienced personal injury attorney.

Talk with your friends, family and co-workers to get suggestions on a personal injury lawyer. This will help you pick the best lawyer for your case so that your outcome is what you hope it will be. You will need the best attorney to aid your case.

Lots of shady lawyers have catchy ads meant to suck in clients, and this is why it is important to stay away from them. On top of the bad stigma that surrounds over-the-top advertisements, it is difficult to gauge how sincere a lawyer might be based on a television advertisement alone. Never commit to working with an attorney until you have met in person.expert legal advise - personal injury lawyers

If you’re currently going through a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to keep all doctor’s appointments and keep records of all documentations. You not only need to prove you were actually injured, you also have to show the costs incurred to get get better. Then, any award will more accurately reflect what you deserve. If not, it might appear like you aren’t telling the truth, or are trying to manipulate events.

It is important that you thoroughly document your injury in order to be prepared for court. This includes taking lots of pictures from every possible angle. Have someone else take some photos if you’re not able to do so. Do this as quickly after the accident as you can.

Be sure to inform the authorities when you have been injured. Notify a supervisor as soon as you sustain an injury on the job. If the incident is more serious, call a police officer as soon as you can.

Once you are injured, get legal help right away. There could be a statute of limitations, meaning you can’t file after a certain period of time has elapsed. So remember to reach out to a highly qualified, reputable lawyer to assist you in filing a claim for compensation.

Remember, simply hiring a personal injury attorney does not mean that you are going to see a check in your mailbox in a week or two. It can be a long and drawn out process that requires lots of patience. It could be a year or two before you see results. If you consider this when first getting started, you are going to have a much smoother experience.
Start a file of all hospital and doctor records your receive concerning your injury. Ask your doctor to write a detailed report of your injuries, keep receipts from the bills you paid as well as your prescriptions and document any income loss. As well, keep all emails from your doctor that are related.

If you are searching for a personal injury lawyer, consider where their office is located. Look for a lawyer who has a conveniently located office. It is harder to deceive someone who lives nearby. Having a local attorney will improve communication between the two of you. In addition, calls are more likely to be answered.

Always seek out medical attention right away. It is important to document when the accident occurred and how badly you were hurt. A medical professional must do the diagnosing. These records will put you in the best position to build a firm case.

A personal injury case is not easy to settle. Still, when it is all over, you may have the money you need to pay your bills. With any luck, this article should have helped you with what you need for your claim. Remember the advice you have received.

You should not apologize to the other party after an accident. Some see an apology as an admission of guilt. You might even think you’re at fault, but don’t jump to that conclusion just yet.

Pointers to adhere to after an Accident

Pointers to adhere to after an Accident

At the very least, accidents are traumatic. So much is happening and there is so much you need to do. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) hopes this pamphlet will help you. Keep this pamphlet in your vehicle just in case you find yourself in an accident. expert legal advise

Were You Wearing Seat Belts?

Most drivers, no matter how carefully they drive, will be involved in at least one traffic accident during their lifetime. The chances of being injured or killed are greater than you might think. About one person in three will be injured or killed in a traffic accident. The best thing to increase your chances of surviving is to always use seat belts. Remember, you must wear both your lap and shoulder belt if the vehicle is equipped with both, even if the vehicle is equipped with air bags.

You and any passenger age six or older or who weighs 60 lbs. or more must wear a seat belt while the car is moving. If not, you may be given a traffic ticket. Also, you will be given the ticket if your passenger is younger than 16. A child passenger restraint system is required for any child under the age of six or who weighs under 60 lbs. Either a seat belt or a child passenger restraint system may be used for each person age six or older or who weighs 60 lbs. or more.

Here are some additional tips for using a child safety seat:
The back seat is generally the safest place in the car for children 12 years old or younger.
Babies up to 20 lbs. and about age one should ride in a safety seat secured to the back seat facing the rear of the car. Babies should not be placed facing forward or backward in the front passenger seat if the vehicle has a passenger-side air bag.
Toddlers over 20 lbs. and about age one should ride in an approved safety seat in the back seat.accident attorneys

Common Causes of Accidents

Some of the common causes of accidents are:

Unsafe speed
Driving on the wrong side of the road
Improper turns
Violation of the right-of-way rules
Violation of stop signals and signs
Numbered Traffic Lanes

When news stations report accidents, they refer to numbered traffic lanes. The left lane is the “No.1 lane.” The lane to the right of the No.1 lane is the No.2 lane, then the No.3 lane, etc. Here is an example.

If you hear of an accident, try to avoid driving near the accident. Take another route, if you can. If you must drive near an accident scene, do not slow down or stop to look–you may cause another collision. However, drive carefully and watch for people in the road. Always obey any order from a police officer or fire fighter even if you must ignore normal traffic laws or signs.

When You See An Accident

If you are the first person at an accident scene, pull completely off the road, away from the accident. Emergency personnel must be able to see the accident and stop next to it for easy access to injured persons. Check to see if anyone is injured. Also, search the area for victims who may have been thrown from a vehicle. They may be hidden in grass or bushes.
Call 9-1-1. If another person stops to help, ask that person to call 9-1-1. The person calling 9-1-1 must be ready to answer questions and provide information, such as the location of the emergency (cross streets, freeway on/off ramp information) and how many people need help (is anyone bleeding, unconscious, or without a pulse). Don’t hang up! Let the emergency dispatcher hang up first. personal injury attorneyss
If possible, use flares or emergency triangles. However, if there is a gasoline leak or fumes do not use the flares and don’t smoke!
Help anyone who is not already walking and talking. However, do not move an injured person unless he or she is in a burning vehicle or in other danger. Moving someone incorrectly often makes an injury worse.
Move the vehicle(s) involved out of the traffic lane if it is not disabled. Turn off the ignition of wrecked autos. Again, don’t smoke! Fire is a great danger.

Involved In An Accident?

If you are involved in an accident—STOP. If you don’t stop, you may be convicted of “hit and run” and could be severely punished. Also, someone could be injured and need your help. You must show your driver license, registration card, evidence of financial responsibility, and current address to the other driver or persons involved, or to any peace officer. If your evidence of financial responsibility is insurance, you must provide the company name and address as well as the policy number to avoid a citation and $250 fine.

You or your insurance agent, broker, or legal representative must make the following reports:

If someone is killed or injured, report the accident to the police or CHP within 24 hours of the accident. personal injury attorneys
Also, report the accident to the DMV, if there is more than $750 in damage to the property of any person, or anyone is injured (no matter how slightly) or killed. The accident report form (SR 1) is available at DMV or CHP offices. The SR 1 report is required in addition to any other report made to the police, CHP, or your insurance company.
If you hit a parked vehicle or other property, try to find the owner. Identify yourself before you leave. If you can’t find the owner, leave a note with your name and address (and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle you are driving) in the vehicle or securely attached to it. Report the accident without delay to the city police or, in unincorporated areas, to the CHP.
If you kill or injure an animal, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Try to find the owner. If you can’t find the owner, call the nearest humane society or call the police or CHP. Do not try to move an injured animal and never leave an injured animal to die.

How Much Insurance?

You must be financially responsible for your actions whenever you drive and for all motor vehicles you own. If not, you are driving illegally. Most drivers choose to have an automobile liability insurance policy as proof of financial responsibility. If you have an accident not covered by your insurance, your license will be suspended. If the driver is not identified, the owner of the motor vehicle involved will have his or her license suspended.

The minimum amount your insurance must cover is:

$15,000 for a single death or injury.
$30,000 for death or injury to more than one person.
$5,000 for property damage caused by one accident.
DMV Accident Reporting
Each driver or the driver’s insurance agent, broker, or legal representative must make a report to the DMV if someone is killed or injured (no matter how minor the injury) or property damage is over $750. This report is required whether you caused the accident or not and even if the accident occurred on private property. Report the accident within 10 days on the SR 1. You can get this form from any DMV or CHP office. You can also download it from DMV’s web site (www.dmv.ca.gov).

Using the information you give in the accident report, DMV may ask the insurance company to verify that you had coverage in effect at the time of the accident. If you did not have the proper insurance coverage, your driving privilege will be suspended for one year. To get your license back, you will need to provide proof of financial responsibility and maintain it for the next three years.

Every accident reported to DMV by law enforcement will show on your driving record unless the reporting officer says another person was at fault. Every accident reported by you, or another party in the accident, will show on your record if any vehicle involved has over $750 in damage or if anyone is injured or dies. It does not matter who caused the accident. The law says DMV must keep this record.accident injury lawyers

Accident Recap
The following information will help you complete the SR 1 form. (Keep it in your glove box.) Do not use this information to replace the SR 1 form.

Your insurance company name/policy #
Date & Time of Accident
Location of accident

NOTE: You must give your current address and show these documents to any peace officer or person involved in this accident:

Your driver license
Your registration card
Evidence of financial responsibility
Your insurance company name/policy #
You must give your current address
Other driver information:

Driver’s date of birth
Driver’s DL #/State
Driver’s name & address
Driver’s license plate #/State
Driver’s insurance company name
Policy # and expiration date
Policy holder’s name & address
Vehicle owner’s name & address
Injuries or property damage

Contact our Car Accident Accident Lawyers if you have ever experienced a personal injury and think others are at fault for the accident.
Disclaimer: Some of this content is from: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ ffdl16

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