Kagan’s Grades Released

Most law students have more in common with Elena Kagan than they thought: she had crappy grades first semester too. The Wall Street Journal reported that Elena Kagan received a few B’s as a 1L. She went on to be a straight A student and make law review, but her grades weren’t at all impressive that first semester.

She received a B- in Torts, a B in Criminal and a B+ in Administrative law. Her letters of recommendation from her professors more than made up for her less than stellar performance:

“She is soft-spoken and delightful to be with, but razor-sharp and iron-hard in intellectual give and take,” wrote the late Prof. Abram Chayes, who had clerked for Justice Felix Frankfurterand served as the top State Department lawyer under President John F. Kennedy. “Her limpid writing ability and keen editorial skills have made her a mainstay at the [Harvard Law] Review,” he added.

Death By Boy Toy?

This has nothing to do with the legal profession; it just pissed me off. The Telegraph in the U.K. is reporting that cougars (women in their 30s and 40s who date much younger men) risk early death. Sounds more like this researcher can’t get laid and decided to come up with this bullshit theory to try and scare women off from sleeping with younger men.

Well, New Yorkers don’t scare easily, and frankly, I’d rather die early getting pounded by a young guy rather than playing it safe with a limp geezer. The “study” conducted by Sven Drefahl came to the ridiculous conclusion that the younger a wife’s spouse, the lower the wife’s life expectancy. However, when an older man marries a younger woman, he lives longer. How convenient.

The researcher seems worried that the dating pool for geezers is drying up, and he’s right. Women have finally realized that they can get all the young guys they want and there’s no need to bother dating or marrying older men with antiquated sexist beliefs and Viagra induced erections.

A sociologist backed up the bullshit study saying that having a boy toy is stressful because woman are, “violating social norms and thus suffer from social sanctions and could be regarded as outsiders and receive less social support, resulting in a less joyful and more stressful life.”

You can’t convince me that getting pounded by a hot 25 year old makes life less joyful. I think being with a 60 year old with a sagging ass and a mediocre erection would make life less joyful, but that’s me.

No Grit: Debt Hating OL Drops Out

Remember Sarah Allen, the OL who wanted to go to law school to help German corporate clients but didn’t want to pay for it so she had set up a site for donations? You were wise if you didn’t hit her donate button; she’s already given up the dream of being BMW’s in house counsel.

She had entered a competition called Tuition Tales that gives scholarships for law school; she lost and immediately shut down her blog. The reason she gave to the ABA Journal for shutting it down? “I didn’t like the mean-spirited comments on blogs.” She was “shocked by the hate.” Hate shocks her and she wanted to be a lawyer? She would never have made it; one hateful comment by a professor and she would have run out of class crying.

Allen has decided that she doesn’t want to take on “tremendous debt and be in a hateful environment” and is now reconsidering her decision to attend law school. Seems law school only works for her if it’s free and she’s in an environment where others shove their noses up her ass every time she has a stupid idea.

At least the nasty blogs saved her $150,000 and three years of her life. But I’ve haven’t given up on her yet; maybe BMW will foot the bill if she promises to wear tee shirts and baseball caps with their logo to all her first year classes.

No Whining, Please

Why was that comment censored? That is pretty weak JJL, I have to wonder what other comments you refuse to publish. Hopefully you at least publish this one and explain the comment policy.

First of all, it’s JJD not JJL. Your comment was censored because I found it both offensive and stupid. I’ve posted my policy on comments before, but here it is again for the whiner reader who wrote in.

Please note that I moderate comments. Posts insulting me or other posters are not going up. Ridiculous and off subject comments are never welcome here. If I post a pro law school comment, it is only so I can bitch slap you after it goes up. Please proceed with caution when trying to post.

Rule 10b-5: Employment of Manipulative and Deceptive Practices

Adam Smith wrote an interesting article, Rule 10b-5 and Law Schools, where he points out that while law schools need to change, they probably won’t due to one dirty word: tenure.

The article explains that even reducing time in law school from 3 years to 2 years would require laying off 33% of law school faculty and that’s going to happen any time soon thanks to tenure.

He notes the vicious cycle that law schools are all a part of:

Permit me to digress into the annual release of the US News law school rankings…I know that one quite important ingredient is total spending per student. The more a law school spends the better for its ranking. Since law schools tend to lack any meaningful endowments, the only way to raise the more-money you want to spend to goose your rankings is to raise tuition. So here we have the terrible bargain that many schools struck during the boom years:
• They could attempt to raise their US News ranking
• By spending more per student
• Funded by tuition increases
• Leaving graduates with more and more student loan debt
• Which was OK so long as jobs were plentiful at BigLaw starting at salaries of $160,000.

Smith proposes that law school deans should, “subscribe to what I’ll call the “10b-5 Oath.” He explains that under Rule 10b-5: Employment of Manipulative and Deceptive Practices we should:

Focus on clause (b), prohibiting (let’s read it a bit broadly, folks) people from selling things by mis-stating a material fact or omitting a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

He thinks law schools must be required to disclose honest employment data and 1L attrition rates in addtion to average student debt load at graduation. Of course law schools should provide that information; they don’t because no one would go to law school if they did.

I’ll go a step further: In addition to more information, the law schools should have to reimburse tuition for those students who graduate and cannot find jobs in the legal profession one year after graduation.

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