Where’s The Job?

In California, where asking for a plastic bag for a purchase is considered as rude as telling your best friend you want to fist f*ck his sister, the state that focuses its outrage on the ridiculous has come up with another target: Taco Bell. Seems the fast food change has not been putting as much beef as it should in its tacos.

You’d think they would just go to Burger King, but what caught my eye was their reason for suing:

The would-be class action seeks what it calls accurate labeling, corrective advertising and attorney’s fees and costs.

Now that’s an argument to be used against the law schools: accurate labeling, corrective advertising. Wouldn’t accurate labeling and correct advertising include accurate employment statistics? Because saying 98% get high paying legal jobs when only around 2% get them doesn’t seem too accurate to me.

Just as consumers made their decision on what chemically enhanced processed crap to put in their bodies based on advertising, law students made their decisions to take out toxic loans based on false advertising by their schools. So, where’s the job?

No JD For You!

What is with Ohio? Less than a week ago, a law graduate was denied admission to the Ohio bar for having (gasp!) debt, and this week they are refusing to let a disbarred lawyer put “JD” after his name. The judge is afraid that he will try to convince others that he is an attorney.

Bruce Brown, JD (oops Ohio, I said it, am I am trouble?) was barred from using Esq and JD after his name. Brown sued claiming restricting him from using JD violated his First Amendment and due process rights.Ohio upheld the ban.

Sorry, once again have to disagree with Ohio. You pay for a degree, you get to use the initials. He wasn’t stripped of his degree, just his license to practice. So I say, no to Esq, yes to JD, and Ohio judges really need to take the corn cobs out of their asses, this is getting ridiculous.

Law School Cast of Characters

There are several blogs (including mine) trying to convince potential law students to just say no to law school. But for those of you who are still not convinced, I’ve made a list of the cast of characters that are in every law school, be it T-14 or TTT, and how to deal with them.

THE GUNNER – A gunner has his hand up throughout every class because he loves nothing more than the sound of his voice. He is convinced his knowledge of law culled from Boston Legal reruns is superior to that of his professors. Much has been written about The Gunner.
How to deal: Resist the temptation to shove his IPod up his ass, if only because a stint in prison will hurt your chances to practice law. Just roll your eyes with the rest of the class.

THE SAVIOR – This student is generally a vegetarian granola-eating child of hippies, and was raised hearing about how her parents marched for civil rights. She wants to change the world just like mommy and daddy claim they did.
How to deal: Don’t waste your breath trying to convince them that they can’t change the world, just talk about your last hunting trip and the steak you had for lunch. They will avoid you.

THE DEGREE COLLECTOR – Encouraged by their wealthy parents to learn as much as they can because “education beats ignorance” these students have taken higher education to a new level. Not unusual for a degree collector to have an MBA, MA, PhD, and MD. Their parents pay for all their degrees, so why not spend a million or two and 15 years collecting them? They are a problem for the curve; professional students are skilled test takers.
How to deal: Accept that they willup every curve in every class. Use them as your go to person when you need to borrow some money.

THE FAMOUS SPAWN – They try to be modest about the fact that mom and dad make headlines, and some are actually nice. All the professors and students will have their lips attached to this student’s ass.
How to deal: Pucker up with everyone else, or just ignore them. They like being ignored; they’ll respect you for it.

THE BITTER LSAT LOW SCORER- (Not found at T-14) These students are convinced that the LSAT is designed to keep everyone but rich white men from going to Harvard Law, and the only reason they ended up at a TT or TTT.
How to deal: If you want a fight, remind them that middle class Asians score the highest on the LSAT. Otherwise, just smile and walk away.

Massholes Start Law School

One of the few law schools not handed instant accreditation by the ABA opened its doors to 182 students who watched too many episodes of Boston Legal. I’m sure it will prove more useful than the education they are about to receive.

University of Massachusetts Law School plans to spend over 13.8 million dollars to try and convince the ABA to give it accreditation. Here’s an idea: Why don’t they just call India and ask how much the ABA expects for a bribe? Might be easier, and the number might be lower than the 13.8 million they are about to spend. That way, they can use more of their suckers students money for inflated salaries.

Moonlighting White Collar Workers

Professionals are doing whatever they can to make ends meet: game shows, prostitution, laundering money for the mob, and now, working two jobs.

The Wall Street Journal reports that because of pay cuts and layoffs, many white-collar workers are starting to work two jobs to make up for the pay cuts. Want to get in on the action? Here’s one way the moonlighters are doing it:

The growth of freelance websites to higher-paid, white-collar occupations is making it easier to moonlight. Accountants, lawyers, marketers and other managers and professionals seeking work on PeoplePerHour.com have more than doubled in the past year to 58,000, says founder Xenios Thrasyvoulou.

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