Deans Told To Stop Lying

After years of helping law schools perpetuate a fraud, U.S. News has asked law school deans to stop lying when reporting data.

They’ve known all along that the deans have been lying. The only reason they are doing something this year is because Villanova’s dean came out earlier this year and admitted that they “fudge numbers.”

U.S. News had this to say:
I think we can all agree that it is not in anyone’s interest—especially that of prospective students—to have less than accurate data being put out by law schools. It’s creating a crisis of confidence in the law school sector that is unnecessary and we think could be easily fixed. The entire law school sector is perceived to be less than candid because it does not pursue a similar, disciplined approach to data collection and reporting.

Perceived to be “less than candid”? No, the law schools are perceived to be liars. And US News aided and abetted these liars for years. Maybe U.S. News should help out with refunds to all the students who believed the false statistics they printed without bothering to check facts.

It’s bad enough that the law schools and US News were allowed to commit fraud and get away with it. But could you all stop your fucking lying and not accepting blame? The schools lied, US News printed the lies. You’re both guilty of helping to commit a fraud that ruined thousands of lives. Soyou, and your lies too.

Computers Replace Lawyers

A reader sent this article in. It’s interesting but really depressing, at least for the folks in India who took all the document review jobs. Seems computers can now do much of the document review work, and in ten years or so, they’ll be much better at it than humans. I think this is a great argument to close at least half of all the law schools. There simply won’t be enough work to go around, even if you’re willing to move to India.

Document review jobs are gone:

He estimated that the shift from manual document discovery to e-discovery would lead to a manpower reduction in which one lawyer would suffice for work that once required 500 and that the newest generation of software, which can detect duplicates and find clusters of important documents on a particular topic, could cut the head count by another 50 percent.

TTTT Dean Talks Morals and Ethics

Following New York TTTT Albany Law School’s lead, Tttttttouro Law has agreed to cut its enrollment by a whopping 10 students. The two thieves deans noted that the job market for new JDs “continues to be rather lousy.” Yes, it continues to suck, we can agree on that. But I don’t agree with the number. You both should be closing, not cutting a paltry ten students each.

Tttttouro Dean Raful said cutting enrollment by ten whole students, “Is the ethical and moral thing to do.” A TTTT law school dean wants to talk ethics and morals? Dude, you don’t know ethics and morals from the hole in your ass. Every day you walk into your toilet and take money from a student who has virtually no chance to practice law, you’re not behaving in an ethical manner. You have no morals. The ethically challenged jack ass dean went on to say:

I don’t think the [job] placement situation is going to turn around for a number of years and I think we are concerned about the ethics of turning out quite so many students in debt when we know that not everyone can get a job to pay off that debt.

Well, that’s actually correct. But kind of hypocritical of you to say that, and only cut enrollment from 280 to 270. You need to cut it to 0. That’s the ethical and moral thing to do. But if you did that, you’d be unemployed. Closing would save 270 people from going into massive debt they can’t repay, depression, and unemployment. But better those 270 than you, right Dean?

See post below for yet another reason to shut these schools down. Computers are now replacing lawyers.

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